
1 min readJun 15, 2021

This town with an evening light shower, I said goodbye to you and waved my hand. As rather expected, my eyes followed you past the ticket barrier.

Puddles that i dodged along my alone stroll, it reflects the light of the streetlamp. I thought of it little once again, I can’t selfishly change it. It seems like something will be broken, and this day passes again.

Even if things suddenly become awkward, we’ll be fine, it can be rebuilt. Though nothing hasn’t even started yet. Another part of me telling myself.

Before the doors were opened, I checked my answer. Sound from the crossing had gotten larger and larger. If I could show you my noisy mind, what would be happened?

I’m a coward, but my heart never cools down. Realizes it and still can’t stop. Up to this day.

The rail goes and takes you away. I grew tired of watching the same way back home. Though the words i arranged to summarize everything are simple, why can’t I ever say it well?




It’s always darkest before the dawn. Let’s start again.